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Arthur Chia.

That's it really, that's who I am.

Just a boy, just a boy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


TAHNIAH! ARTHUR CHIA TEK telah dipilih untuk mernyertai PLKN siri 6/2009

How's life? Nothing much, really.

Going for NS, "TAHNIAH! ARTHUR CHIA TEK telah dipilih untuk mernyertai PLKN siri 6/2009" Can't wait, really.

Short + Sweet Week 2 performance starts tomorrow night, just finished dress rehearsal just now.

Spotted a policeman on the phone driving.

Met up and took a picture with The Joker.

Shoot, even HE gets to take a picture with The Joker. :P

Went to a place where nobody was. It was fun. I was.. Lonely..?

I also have my piano exams next week, and I've got no time to practice at all. Short + Sweet took up most of my time. =)

I guess, that's pretty much it. Normal, isn't it?

Okay, I've got to go. Still got Chemistry homework and resume my absolutely seemingly normal but still very normal life.

cheerioseets, arty.

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