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Arthur Chia.

That's it really, that's who I am.

Just a boy, just a boy.

Friday, May 25, 2007


No, it's not my house. Though I wish it was. =\

Yesterday was the last day of exams and today's the first day of the mid-term holidays. Nothing much really, it's just I'm so scared that I'll fail all my subjects. I literally tembak subjective questions xD. Like, really!

Ugh, holidays. Everybody likes holidays, no? I like it, too. But still, holidays are the most boringest days of my life. At least I get to catch up on my "things-that-cure-my-eyebags-thingy-thingg" xD.

I'm going for my cousin's wedding next Saturday. Gotta stop eating those chocolates XD. I really need to stop eating that much. =\

For all of you right-handers out there, read this: :)

cheerioseets, arty.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Arthur Chia growing fatter: food XD.

Bleh, uber delicious "Garlic Rice with Chick-Ken" XD.


Eight days has passed.

I know this sounds weird, but I'm actually quite happy that the exams are here. Apart from super-super-supah hard BK paper on Monday, I had Moral and Chem paper 1 today. I wanna cryyyy. I didn't do very well for my Moral last term and I think I'm gonna fail this term. So much for this fat-ugly-librarian.

Bleh, everybody is like, posting up pictures of their study table. I have a study table. Full of books. Book that I don't read. And a table that I don't use. Lol, I feel so ungrateful for the little things around me now. Damn! XD.

Having nothing to do at all, except studying is pretty boring. Then when you go to a room with a medium-sized tv, part Astro part local channels, you can't help but watch tv. Having missed most of the episodes of Heroes, it's quite fun to watch with no knowledge of what happened in the previous episodes.

Anyways, I wanna sleep now. Gotta wake up early and practice my piano for a concert next Sunday. T.T

And yea, I'm still in love with this gay pic xD.

cheerioseets, arty.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


simple. by ~HaruXxX on deviantART

Bleh, another wallpaper. Inspired by the song playing in my blog right now. Gravity - Maaya Sakamoto. If you can't hear it. Scroll down. It helps. My friend describes it as a 'minor-key' song. It's a sad song, really.

I'm emo again. I'm an irritating person. I know that I'm noisy and all, but I just can't change. I need to change, but how? =\ Someone please! T.T

Anyways, exams are coming up. Let's see what I've got to take starting next Monday.

Bible Knowledge on Monday, I'm SURE I won't fail this. xD. The only subject that I can beat Andrew in. =)

Sejarah is a dead piece of rotten fish on my examination table. =\ I hate Sejarah until my adorable cat cat clock can start flying. xP. Sejarah is History in BM for all those 'I-don't-know-BM' ppl. That's you, Chris and Linus ;p

Kimia. I'm so scared I'm gonna fail againnn =\ Bleh, gotta study hard and get an A1! =) Kimia = Chemistry.

Experiance at the school office.
On Monday, I kena send to office. By who? Madam Haslina. I'm not blaming her or anything. She's a really good teacher to teach by various means. It's been 3 years since I last went to the office. Last time was because I didn't do my scrap book. This time is because I didn't do finish my chem hw =\.

Then came Madam Matthews. Ugh. She's damn effing fierce. I was like, "Good Morning, Madam." Then she went, "STAND UP WHEN YOU'RE BEING SPOKEN TO!". No need to shout right. T.T She asked a few questions and asked to see Ms Goh. I prefer Ms. Goh than Matthews. Ugh, I don't wanna continue with it. Bad memories. =\

Oh, Madam Matthews has practically breached our.. our.. ugh. Privacy? Lol. XD.

CCTVs are installed all around our school at proximately, 3.15pm on the 8th of May. We, the form 4s were having our games when they installed it. Ugh. I got the picture from Peako's blog.

The following is taken from Peako's blog as well:

We've (with the help of a DX Darkfox) identified where the major locations of where the cameras are. And, what their "special functions" are...sort of

1. Chapel, apparently rotates 360.
2. Outside Library, looks like one from a prison, overlooks basketball court
3. Facing Assembly Grounds
4. The Woodshop
5. Facing Football Pitch from Canteen.
6. The First Floor of the F1 Block near the Tandas Guru Perempuan.
7. The one on the Form 5 floor.
8. The one in the canteen.

I've nothing else to say. I'm tired, sick and not bothered to do my homework afterall. Night.

cheerioseets, arty.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


=\ my calculator. No, you're not allowed to zoom in. xD.

It's dead.



What is?

This blog.

Anyways, while wondering why I'm closing not updating this blog, ponder on this questions. You can always msn me for the answers. The first three is easy. But I still didn't answer it correctly =\

1. A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the scene, but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives the surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son!" How can this be?

2. A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers,lumper, gloves & balaclava. He is walking down a black street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its light off but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man?

3. Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones? (This is logical rather than lateral, but it is a good puzzle that can be solved by lateral thinking techniques. It is supposedly used by a very well-known software company as an interview question for prospective employees)

Okay, here comes the hard ones.

4. A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone else at the party who drank the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?

5. A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says 'Thank you' and walks out.(This puzzle claims to be the best of the genre. It is simple in its statement, absolutely baffling and yet with a completely satisfying solution. Most people struggle very hard to solve this one yet they like the answer when they hear it or have the satisfaction of figuring it out.)

I'll post up the answers tomorrow if I can remember xD.

Anyways, have a phlinky on the way out of pressing the [X] button on the upper right corner.

Photoshop. Copyright Heassion @ Harukss. No stealing plox! XDD But you're free to use it.

cheerioseets, arty.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Ahaha this was what I had for lunch yesterday. Black pepper steak. Medium well. xD. z0mg so nice XD. SF Steakhouse.

Today's Labours' Day, isn't it? It's practically the most boring-est day ever. Having 5 consecutive holidays doesn't help either. Nothing to do at all, other than playing games makes you wonder a lot of things. Oh well, let me just continue on Wesak Day.

Today's also Wesak Day. I have no idea what's Wesak Day all about, but I have a few words to describe it.


Related to Buddha.

And a sleeping one at that.

Lots of people walking with no purpose at all.

And of course, the beautiful flower candles that I liked taking pics of.

Ugh. I was with there with my father, bro and my paternal counsins. z0mg. I'm like, the least funniest cousin =\. Did I tell you how funny my whole family is, except me? =(. Lol anyways, we talked about, lotsa things. Like, what are LALA people and what not. I learnt a lot from my beautiful hawt cousins xD.

I don't wanna talk more la~ After walking 7km for about 3 hours, it's quite tiring. Cause I had to put up for not eating the whole day =\. My slumber land is awaiting my warmth. Nitee XD.

cheerioseets, arty.
Blog layout and design by ArtyChia :)