There was once a young boy. He obtained the "Golden Certificate". He was thus invited to visit the Mathonia factory. Oh boy, how excited he was! Jumping for joy, he invited his grandfather along with him, as his grandfather was an old employee at the factory. He was just as excited as the young boy. More excited, it seems. As they walked their way to the factory, his grandfather suddenly stopped and started weeping.
"What's wrong, grandpa?" said the young boy, with a questioning look on his face.
"Nothing, son. It's just that, it's been a while since I've been there, and I'm just feeling nostalgic." The old man wept as he said this.
They walked and finally reached. There. Stood a building that looks enormous. Easily ten times bigger than the wood shack they're currently living in. It had giant, black gates. Coated with slight gold paint and faded silver. The building itself, was concrete. Now, having lived a life of poverty all their life, they didn't have luxury of staying in a house of concrete. It was a wooden shack, after all.
The building had weird signs on it. Now, isn't that funny? Thought the young boy. It had the sign that you'd normally see at hospitals. The one that looks like a rotated 'X'. Ah, they're mathematical signs! Exclaimed the boy in his head. It IS called Mathonia factory.
Just as they were almost drooling over the beauty of the building, they heard a creaking sound.
They jumped.
The gate started opening inwards, towards the Mathonia factory. It was much larger than they thought it was. It took it a whooping 25 minutes just for the gate to open. Just as they were getting tired of it, a man suddenly appeared in front of them. He looks. Eccentric.
He was wearing a tuxedo. Surprisingly, he even had a tie, with mathematical symbols on it. He had jet black hair. He had a fringe, yet it doesn't touch his eyebrows. His hair was cut in a way, that it resembled a bowl. A bowl cut, you think? Nope. Try using your imagination a little more. (Just for you, the man's mother used to take a bowl and put it on his head, and then she'd take a scissors and cut everything that was below the bowl. Scary, isn't it? )
"What's one plus one times zero divided by 1 minus 1?" Asked the man.
"Uhh...” As the boy calculated in his head, the old man had his eyes fixated on the man. He looks oddly familiar, yet...
"Zero!" Said the boy.
"Yes, and that's my name. Welcome to the Mathonia factory, and I'll be your guide for today." the man said, as he bowed and placed his hands around his waist, like a waiter or an usher inviting a guest.
Poo, I was running under the rain today. So fun. xD
It was kinda uneventful today. Like always, as always. =D
I'm gonna sleep, I think I've got a fever. (<- LOLWTHBBQPAPER)
cheeerioseets, arty.
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