Ughh. Over the weekend, (well, only the Saturday) I went back to my dad's hometown in Johor for Qing Ming. It's a period of time when almost every Chinese goes back to their hometown and clean your deceased parents' graves. Or something like that. xD
So my mom and I were talkin about what to do with her ashes when she passes away, like, God-forbids-me-to-say-when years later. xD Hopefully she doesn't. :D
I came up with suggestions such as spreading her ashes over the mountains of Kinabalu but decided not to because she'll be stuck in one place, and probably haunt the hikers for so many generations to come. The Legend of the Talking Emily Wind.. xD
The next was to spread her ashes over the Pacific Ocean, which is a bad idea cause her ashes will float ashore and get stuck there as well. One thing leads to the other and she'll be stuck on a coconut tree and dropping herself onto unsuspecting tourist and having her (coconut) juices sucked out of the poor fruit. x)
We decided to drop the topic and move on to other important stuffs like what would ever happen if you clear a graveyard and build a multimillion dollar hotel on top of it. You don't wanna know. My mom's a trillion times lamer than I am. xD
After that very much elating chat, we decided to go back to my uncle's house and take a bath and rest and all and rest and all and rest and all. xD
My dad's from this kampung called Parit Jawa which means Kampung Jawa in Indo. So yeah, my dad's family was poor last time, but evidently they were quite a close and happy family. The stories that I hear oh-so often, about the good ol' kampung days. HAHA. It's just so different and carefree-ish. Kinda wish life's the same now as it was for him. :D
The wet market was a fun experience. It's so different from the one in KL. Much more quiet. Much more peaceful. And much CHEAPER. Like, srsly. x) The prawns were THISSSSS huge and still costs less than the ones here in KL. Not to mention hawker food prices. RM2.90 for a Large chicken rice set. Here? RM4.20 Or somewhere there. xD
Enough about Muar. Ughh. Feeling guilty for lack of postage. xD
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The above diagram shows a test tube containing unknown chemicals that an unspecified specimen, otherwise known as Tek Chia Arthur had mixed and matched and thus, obtained a wonderfully coloured compound.
Having 3 layers of different colour, the bottom layer consists of Cu2+ ions and the following layer CuCl2 precipitate and the top most layer, a mixture of Fe2+ ions and Fe3+ ions that had reacted with the Cl- ions in the CuCl2 precipitate.
I have absolutely no idea what's it called. After all, it was just a spontaneous thing I felt like doing. :D
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Here's an article that I found really interesting and just wanted to share cause it's VERY TRUE. Taken from page 24, the April issue of Reader's Digest.
Right Here, Right Now
A new survey reveals our Top 10 most awkward social situations
1. Wardrobe malfunctions Zips left undone; tucking skirt into underwear. [ Ughh. Underwear thing. *shy* ]
2. Lost for words Having no response in conversation; forgetting someone's name. [ Nyeh, nowadays, yeah. :O ]
3. Mistaken baby bump Congratualting someone on a pregnancy when they're not pregnant; offering a woman a seart, assuming she is pregnant when she isn't.
4. Romantic mishaps Seeing one's ex with a new partner; saying "I love you" for the first time and not having the sentiment returned.
5. Looking foolish Making an inappropriate joke. [ Like, always. T.T ]
6. Nigel no-friends Having someone turn their back on you or, even worse, no-one talking to you at a party. [ Omg, yes. x( The feeling's the worst ever. D= ]
7. Embarrassment by proxy Your partner acting stupidly in public; the drunken behavior of friends.
8. Dating disasters Awkward silences on a first date; spilling food or drink on a partner.
9. Caught out Making an excuse for not going somewhere, then being caught in the lie; being overheard by the person you're gossiping about. [ Yesh, to hell with you, base tart. ]
10. Clumsy catastrophes Slipping over when attempting to get up after tripping, dropping food on your chest while eating. [ OMG YES AGAIN. :( ]
So what do you think about this? :D
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There's nothing much notable about my life in the past week, but feel free to drop a comment in the cbox if you want me to write about anything. :D
cheerioseets, arty.