Happy First-of-February Day!
It's official! 2008 is 32 days old now. Do you want a candy? Cause years love candies. Especially ears. Stick a candy into your ear and you'll probably get an ear infection enough to kill an ant.
That's right! An ant! A living creature capable of walking up and down the walls of your room. And they die of an infection? Like what hell! Bell! Gel! Tell laa. You should just sell. Sell yell? Yells are meant to be kept in a jail. Cause no matter what, it won't post bail. In a way, it gets mail. Mail from people like Neil. But Neil is in a pail. So he can't mail.
Aww, so sad right? Anyways, I've been tagged by Yoong Jie. It's annoying. But I'm respecting him and doing it. But it's still annoying. And annoying it'll be. Let Yoong Jie's tag be done!
You don't have to read it if you don't want to.
Real name: Arthur Chia TEK! :D
Nickname: Arty || Potato || Uhh. Can't rmb.
Married: I wish I was, though. ;D
Zodiac sign: Libraaaa. With a hook!
Male or female: Mail.
Highschool: Wesley Methodist School
College: I wish.
Short or long hair: Uhh. Currently? Short. I like my long hair ;D
Are you a health freak: Kinda. I bathe when I feel dirty. I don't bathe if I don't feel like it. LOL. I'M DIRTY X)
Height: 170cm, I think. Iono. Measure me pwease? ;D
Do you have a crush on someone: Yeaps
Do you like yourself: Not really. I see myself as someone eccentric.
Piercings: I wanna pierce my ears. Lol xP
Righty or lefty: Kidal! Again!
First surgery: *cuts umbilical cord* If that's not counted, it was when I had a giant hole under my chin. 7 stitches. o.o
First piercing(s): Hopefully my ear. The upper part. xD
First bestfriend: Zhen Howe. O-o;;
First award: Storytelling competition in Standard 1. Gold summore! Eh no, I think it was Spelling Bee first.
First sport you joined: Prolly running. LOL WTH. XDD
First pet: My very late dog. He never came home. =( (if you don't get what I mean, you're so weird x))
First vacation: Pangkor when I was like, 3. O.O
First concert: Shit, I've never been to one. Or you count school concerts as one. 1996, I was in the tango dance. ;D
First crush: Uhh. Secret X)
Eating: Nuffin'
Drinking: Something from a gland in my mouth. o.o
I'm about to: Play Warhammer 40k: The Dark Crusade.
Want kids: Cute ones. ;d
Want to get married: To achieve my previous goal.
Careers in mind: Uhh. Not sure yet. @.@
Lips or eyes: Eyes. Sepet xP
Hugs or kisses: Hugsssss. Maybe kisses. But I've never been kised before!
Shorter or taller: Iono. I like both. Darn, I'm indecisive.
Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous
Nice stomach or nice arms: Both! Omg, another hard question.
Sensitive or loud: Both. Darn it. o_o
Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant. It's cute. :D
Kissed a stranger: Maybe. =D
Drank bubbles: Yeaaaaa, from beers. Uhh. You didn't need to know that!
Lost glasses/contacts: I wish I had glasses to make my short sightedness better.
Ran away from home: Almost.
Liked someone younger: Yah. It's like pedophaelic. However you spell that word. (Pedophile o.o)
Liked someone older: Uhh yea.
Broken someone's heart: Probably. I'm insensitive anyways.
Been arrested: It'd be funny if I said yes. ;D
Turned someone down: If only I had that much attention o.o
Cried when someone died: My grandmother. Uhh. Oh-so sad!
Liked a friend: Ahahas, typical.
Yourself: Nopes. I have low self-esteem after all.
Miracles: Maybe.
Love at first sight: Yeaps.
Heaven: Yeahhh.
Santa Claus: If only it snowed in M'sia and we'd have chimneys that'd fit a fat person.
Sex on a first date: No.
Angels: Yes
Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yeaaaaa. To hold me. To lub me.
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time: Uhh. Puppy love counted? Had 3 gfs when I was in Standard 5/6. LOL ;D
Do you believe in God: Yah, like, duh. ;D
-- -
Eh, I really miss my long hair. ;D
Nyeh. ;D
Oh yea, I was at a friend's house yesterday for Physics/Chem tuition. Then the topic of camwhoring came up. O_____O;; I don't know how, but it did.
So yea, in the end, we ended up camwhoring than paying attention during class. Ahahas, but my teacher doesn't seem to mind. It's like she has a crush for my friend. I KNOW it sounds wrong, but yea. It's just a crush. And she's married! Shit, it's so wrong now. LOL.
Hahas, anyways. I've been having this craving for toufu. Not just any toufus. It's the Oh-So-Sweet Japanese toufu! For those of you who've tried jap toufu before, kudos to you. It's darn sweet with a really nice taste. I just don't know how to explain it, but it's damn nice. Like, ugh! My stomach's growling now. z0mg. Cravings are bad! =(
That and some of the form 1s said I'm scary. You see, during the In-House Leadership Camp 2008, I was a facilitator. And I took part in a game called Mystery Game, where the students are now reporters at an international science conference. And a president of a company had died. So the students had to find out who killed him. To find out, they have to follow clues that lead them to another place, where various characters are placed. And to interrogate them when they do. ;d
I was a famous BRITISH writer who wrote on an undiscovered tribe ( called Ukulala, which I made up, since no one gave me the instructions not to. xD ) who had no means of communication to the outside world. So yeah, do you think it's true? Iono. xP
So yea, I was being interrogated, and I was being a meanie. Iono. But they said I was. Lol. Iono, AM I? xD For instance, I would only speak to them, only and only if all their group members was there. FYI, they weren't. Cause they're like, "Hey! Go this way!" or, "Shut up la, trying to listen!". That caused some dispute in some groups, but oh well. Not my problem. xP That and I would only allow them to talk to me without using a torchlight, which is almost impossible, since it was dark. Aku jahat betul. xD Some of them couldn't read the clues since it was so dark. Ahahas, so am I really that bad? Lol.
Uhh. I look weird.
And here's a video I took in Japan. It's called Camera trick no. 21. xD
I don't know what's this. This small thingy. Don't ask me. o_o
cheerioseets, arty.
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