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Arthur Chia.

That's it really, that's who I am.

Just a boy, just a boy.

Friday, March 23, 2007


This pic is just shoo nice :D

Not that I have many people reading my blog, it's just that I like to say something to the world. Like a mini shout-out where nobody can hear. Still, it's an online diary. I love my diary. *hugs blog*

Arthur Chia has been away lately, due to some problems I'm having with my friend. Yes, problems. But not of us, but of his family. Child abuse kind of thing. =(. I'm so troubled by his problems. Blehhh. Hope it goes well. :)

Having the dedication service on Thursday. Let's see.. What did I do exactly?
- Appear in hall in black shirt, blank pants and a traded yellow tie. ( I exchanged my tie with a girl for a while :D )
- Sitted down for at least an hour, waiting for parents and guests to come.
- Gone through 1 hour plus of EFFING BORING STUPIDLY-LONG speeches.
- Laughed all the way singing the song.
- Got spotted by my classmates that saw me laughing xD.
- Laugh more for no apparent reason.
- And almost killed Madam Matthews for boring me to death.
- The end..? :D

Fear the NOSE THINg-Y!1!! xD

Nothing else to say. I'm dead. *shoots self*

cheerioseets, arty.

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