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Arthur Chia.

That's it really, that's who I am.

Just a boy, just a boy.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Date: 6th June 2008
Venue: My room.
Time: 3 hours and counting.

Yes, my room is a PIG STY. I've started at about 10.00. Now's 5 to 1pm. I REALLY need to start cleaning faster. I'm taking my Undang exam at 1.35pm and I haven't started studying yet. LOL. =)

Question: How messy is your room?

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I spilled chilli sauce on my keyboard. Dismantled it to clean out 2 years of dirt + truck load of chilli sauce.

How am I typing?

God bless Microsoft's on-screen keyboard!
Can be found from Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Accessibiity -> On-Screen Keyboard.

I failed my Undand exam. 41/50. Celaka betul la. Quite good for someone who didn't study, RIGHT?

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cheerioseets, arty.

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