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Arthur Chia.

That's it really, that's who I am.

Just a boy, just a boy.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Uber dreams.

*edit - I've updated this post, just scroll down after the fugly lil' bunny*

Gah, I'm really having these getting-more-and-more absurd dreams. >_<" Like for instance, today, I dreamt about an plane ( beats aeroplane *edit* AND airplane */edit*, damn freaking hard to type out xD). Wait, not those normal planes, this one, didn't have wings. Right, so, as I boarded the plane, I saw my mum as the driver and the Pangkor-trip-in-the bus-people, the one where 3C and librarians and some other classes one, and some of my classmates as the passengers. So, Lolol. As the plane was going the highway at a very high speed, there comes a toll. The plane just passed through the toll without smashing the whole toll. Like I said, no wings. No wings, how to move/fly? XD
Anyways, I did a lil' fugly ugly sketch for Cherng. Cherng, if you're reading this, please close your eyes before you look down here. It's ugly.

and one more fugly sketch for.. Somebody.

Two fugly sketches down, a thousand more to go. Edit - Of Cats and Reproduction.

Meh, I just came back from lunch. Ate fattening KFC. xD.

As we all know that we can never ever freaking ever see an animal reproduce, right? Guess what I saw when I went to collect the washing. This picture contains some stuffs. Well, you know.

WARNING - Just be careful before you zoom in the pictures. Though, there's no pornographic content, just wanna tell before somebody burns their eyes. And yes, I know my house is messy. >.>

and this is what a cat does after doing it.

And, NO, I do not own that cat. And the female one, either. XD. Cats just love coming into my house, like yesterday, one curi masuk just to eat our garbage. Yucks. >__<"

cheerioseets once again, arty.

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